
Hi, I'm from Calgary, and visited Vancouver for Einstuerzende Neubauten in May (excellent show). Now I'm just poking around because I visit the west coast (Vancouver and/or Victoria) at least once or twice a year and it would be fun to keep an eye on what goes on out there. It's good to escape this brown dried-up husk of a city and enjoy someplace more humid once in awhile.
And a question for the locals: What the hell is that weird big store in gastown that is almost empty, has security guards at the doors, big windows overlooking the ocean (inlet, I guess), and $600-$2000 pairs of jeans and/or head-shop-looking T-shirts? Seriously. What the hell?
On the contrary, it's always nice to hear!
Hi and welcome...
And I had no idea that we had such a store in Gastown - holy crap. It must be new. I'll bet I'm right in thinking it's near Steamworks and Waterfront Station - because that's the super-tourist area of Gastown (actually it extends a bit further east than that, but I'll bet you a dollar that's where it is). I have *got* to see this.
One or two (maybe 3) blocks east of steamworks if I remember correctly.
As an aside, I looked at your website just now, and you probably don't need to hear it - but your paintings are really nice.
Hi and welcome...
And I had no idea that we had such a store in Gastown - holy crap. It must be new. I'll bet I'm right in thinking it's near Steamworks and Waterfront Station - because that's the super-tourist area of Gastown (actually it extends a bit further east than that, but I'll bet you a dollar that's where it is). I have *got* to see this.