Hi, Would Any of You Happen to Know My Friend ?

Hi all, I've never been on this site before, it's pretty neat. I hope you guys can help me out, I'd really appreciate it. With a lot of you guys hanging out in beautiful BC, ( I live here too but I never get out) I was wondering if any of you know a friend of mine, I lost contact with her about 6 / 7 years ago. Her name's Yasmina, sometimes people call her Jaz (I'm not sure about the spelling though). She's a dark haired, real thin girl from Eastern Europe, she's an artist, real good one in fact , she does gothic art in acylics and oils and she'd be about 24 years old now. Did I mention that she's also a goth? She does the clothes, the music, the gargoyles, room decor, everything, she's really cool. I'd appreciate any help you can give me, thanks.