
I've been around the forum for a while, just never bothered to register. My name's Jenny, Jen, J., ...or whatever you wish to call me. I don't know quite where to begin so a message if you want to know more about me?
In the clubbing section? How the hell did that happen? lol
I must have been stressed out or sleep deprived or something... yay exams!
I understand what you mean by being born late in the year. I turned 18 shortly before starting college. As for teens, well, yeah it's kinda disturbing seeing what has become of the culture. It was bad when I was going through highschool and it's worse now.
Grade 11 was a great year for me :) You planning on university after you graduate highschool?
Ahh... well that's no problem, no need to be sorry. It doesn't matter what age you are to be Goth or talk on these boards. I know so many people who started going to clubs underage. I remember back when one of my friends was 21 he tried to pickup a girl at a local club and she broke it to him she was in grade 9!
Actually, when one of my younger friends was 17 I helped him get into a few bars because I knew the bouncers. Personally though I went to my first club at 19, so not all that many years ago now. I'm still in the first half of my 20s afterall.
AHAH, I found your reply in the clubbing section. (scared) Man, for a moment there I thought I was only hallucinating about seeing your reply. Yeah, I don't exactly consider myself to be a goth. People call me that a lot of the time but I can't seem to really admit that to myself... it just seems kind of strange.
Okay, now what the bloody hell is a 9th grader doing in a club? Geez, what kids my age will do to feel more mature. It's scary how fast sex, drugs, and alcohol is becoming something normal for teens. Anyways, I don't really see a problem with you helping your friend when he was 17 get into a club because, I mean, what difference does a year or two make? In my case, I think I'll avoid the clubs until I'm legal thanks.
Ah, and before I forget to tell you, I'm in Grade 11. :) Chyeah, and I'll finally be turning 16 tomorrow too. It's strange being born late in the year because almost everyone in my grad has already turned 17.
Hello my name is Maggie it's my first time on here, but I've been to Sanctuary and blenders a bunch of times now but it's to hard to talk in a night club. Can't seem to meet to many people with same interests, cause the people I work with never even heard of Ministry,Bauhaus or anything not top40. :-/
Welcome to the forum Maggie.
Ah, sorry for bringing up such not so fond memories. I used to get teased way back in my early years. At least your names don't mean female jackass. I was called jackass Jenny a lot during 2nd and 3rd grade because I was kind of known for fighting. Yes, actual fighting. I'd "organize" it during recess and I'd gather a group of girls and meet the "enemies" (the boys) at the undercover area. I was usually the first one to throw a punch. I got hit in the stomach quite a bit but I'd hit the boy back just as hard. Gosh, I was violent little kid. Still am but I just don't act on the thoughts. I have been the outcast, the bully and the bullied, "normal", and strangely yet, popular. I was an outcast in pre-school. That sucked because no one ever wanted to play with me. I was usually the one sitting next to the shelf of old toys spinning the top.
Anywho... Blackjack. ;D I will start calling you that to refrain myself from calling you Jack Dawson, unless you prefer the latter. As for you, Peter Rabbit (mawww, how adorable - pats you on the head), I don't know whether to call you Vamp as well because it just sounds so much more sexier. Hmm...
Haha, one of my friends messed up that "Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater..." rhyme at camp because she couldn't remember how it went. "Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater, had a wife but couldn't eat her."
Hello my name is Maggie it's my first time on here, but I've been to Sanctuary and blenders a bunch of times now but it's to hard to talk in a night club. Can't seem to meet to many people with same interests, cause the people I work with never even heard of Ministry,Bauhaus or anything not top40. :-/
Peter Rabbit is an awsome character, I loved those books when I was little. I could also accept Peter the Great, St. Peter, and The Rock (actual meaning of the name Peter). I loved POTC but I agree the second one was kinda dissapointing... although I loved the fighting on the rolling waterwheel lol
Depp is one of my fave actors and really carried both movies. The second brought a touch too much of the fantasy and magic element into it for me. I can get behind the ghost ship thing... but really, voodoo davy jones the kraken and a zombie monky? Yeah that was overkill.
I never liked the Turner character (forget first name). All the way to the end he just came across as bland and wussy. At least by the time the second movie rolled around the girl had grown an attitude and some more personality, turner was still a dork. Barbarossa was a pretty cool character too though, made for a decent villian.
On rare occasions I got Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater... I hated that, it was just too stupid I thought. I was much happier in high school when some of the guys started calling me Vamp (loved black and had a thing for Anne Rice's The Vampire Chronicles). Blackjack is a pretty awsone nickname I think, you got lucky.
Call him Peter Rabbit or Benjamin the Bunny? Both excellent options.
I liked the first Pirates of the Caribbean, but the second one seriously disappointed me. As for The Matrix, it was alright the first time through, but after you watch it again, you begin to realize how ludicrous the entire concept is. Not to mention it was a little corny.
I was teased all the time growing up. Jack and the Beanstalk, Jack Be Nimble, Jack Horner, Jack in the box and my personal favourite; Blackjack (so named by my elementary school peers because I wore nothing but black since the day I could dress myself.)
Anyone else get teased for that sort of thing growing up?
Never really did like Pirates of the Caribbean. Johnny Depp is a brilliant actor and does a wonderful job on POTC, it's just the rest of the cast is kind of slack. The Turner boy should just stick with being an elf.
Keanu Reaves should've just taken the blue pill, end of story. :P
Hey, you forgot Jack and the Beanstalk. Hmm, that brings back memories of a show I used to watch... which apparently has Nocturnus name in it. The Tale of Peter Rabbit and Benjamin the Bunny. Aha, maybe I should start calling him that.
I hate that movie... lol Except when people are falling off the boat.
Anyway, yeah, Starbucks is pretty expensive, but my girl works there, so I don't really have a lot of choice in the matter. Plus, I think I might be addicted to pumpkin spice lattes. And the price is only going to be raised about 5 cents a drink, but you're better off without it anyway. I think I spend about $10 every work day just on starbucks.
And don't forget about the other famous movie characters named Jack, like Jack Sparrow, Jack Skellington and Jack (played by Keanu Reeves) in Speed. lol
Black is a colour in my book. But I like blood red, otherwise. I like to read novels too, and I like to write and just hang out with friends too. I'm a bit of a starbucks lurker. My parents have a couple small yippy dogs (I just live with them). And I either work or spend time with my friends or girlfriend on weekends.
Either way, you can call me Jack. Nice to meet you.
It's a pleasure to meet you Jack.
"I'M THE KING OF THE WOOORLD!" (scared) Sorry, your name is just kind of attached to the movie and... yeah.
Yes, I used to be a Starbucks lurker myself but their drinks are just a tad too pricey for my taste. Also, I believe I heard on the news a while a go that they were planning to raise the prices on their drinks... like they're not expensive enough. Well, all the more reason to support the little coffee shops. :)
Black is a colour in my book. But I like blood red, otherwise. I like to read novels too, and I like to write and just hang out with friends too. I'm a bit of a starbucks lurker. My parents have a couple small yippy dogs (I just live with them). And I either work or spend time with my friends or girlfriend on weekends.
Either way, you can call me Jack. Nice to meet you.
Hello Sorrow.
Well, my favourite color would be purplish-red. I'd say black but I believe that's more of a lack of colour. Hobbies would be reading, writing, and playing the drums (which I'm rather bad at mind you). I have a teddy bear hamster named Chester, who apparently likes to bite me quite a bit unless I have food. As for something I like to do on the weekends? I don't exactly have one because I'm usually rather busy. Though I do like going down to Stanley Park whenever I get the chance to.