New Arrival

Good evening Gothic friends, I have been checking this site out for a while and now I truly feel prepared to release my beutiful love demons and come out of my kinky closet. I am currently on vacation in Ontario and I want to get to know more like minded souls on-line and also in the clubs and events, Today I visited Hells Belles on Queen street in Toronto and with the help of the lovely staff picked up my very first pair of p.v.c. pants (which i have wanted for some time) now I dont want to take them off, I love the way they feel and look and I cant wait to go out and play in them, sadly my flight gets in to Vancouver too late for me to take part in sin city night on the 10th or that is where I would make my debut, If anyone can direct me to any happenings on the weekend after..June 16th-19th send me a message, even better if anyone would like to introduce me into the scene and come to a venue with me that would be even better.....
Take care everyone............Bryan