
Welcome - Read Me First!!

Valerian's picture

Welcome to GothicBC!

(FYI, Gothic "BC" means British Columbia, Canada.)

Feel free to say hello to the group.  Tell us about yourselves, where you're from, what you like, how you found us or even why you're here!


Looking for information on what's going on, what's to do, or where to find something?  Before you post your question, take a glance at the other topics in the main index.  We have forums on current Goth/Industrial/alternative events, clubs, fashion, shopping, and oh-so-much more happening in cities all over BC (although most are Vancouver and Victoria), which are kept regularly updated.  Plus you'll find conversations about politics, lifestyle, music, art, and many other subjects of interest.  If you have a suggestion for the site, a question about any of the site features, or are having difficulty, please ask for help here by posting a new topic.

So say hello, and have a look around!