
I am not dead!

Trixy's picture

Hello everyone.  I have taken a wee bit of a leave of absence from the lovely world of cyber-space, but I am just posting quickly to assure anyone out there who might have been worried that I haven't fallen into a bottomless pit and that I am quite alright.

My boyfriend and I are currently without internet (or phone), so I am writing this from a public computer at the library.  Oh, all the loverly creepy germs crawling on this keyboard!

As for my current situation, I have moved once to another house in the area since moving to Kelowna and in about two months time my boyfriend and I are going to be moving to Maple Ridge to live in the apartment/suite dealy that my parents are building us on their property where we will be allowed to live rent free for a while and get on our feet.

In case any of you are curious, things with me and my beau are going splendidly.  We fight every so often, but that's just part of getting used to living together (and working together).  I am happy to say that, contrary to what everyone thought was going to happen, everything is alright.

Well, I guess that's about it for me.  I will try and get to a computer sometime soon in case anyone happens to reply.  After we move out to Maple Ridge I will be around a lot more and will be able to pester you all again!  Til then, ta!

She's alive!  I actually was a little worried about the whole bottomless pit possibility for a while there.  Glad to see you're ok.  Give us a shout when you can.


PS missed you. :(

I'm sure many of us were concerned with "what could happen" as opposed to "what would happen".  Glad to hear it's working out - fighting is fine as long as you communicate and resolve the problems as they crop up.