> Orwell was talking about Socialism/Communism. Big Brother is the Communist state.
And Huxley (Brave New World) was talking about capitalism, and it's equally bleak and frighteningly accurate.
> from sending in armies
The key thing being that they don't maintain their own armies, they ask member states to act on their behalf.
> Thirdly non-alighned states have created a tyranny of the majority
That's basically the fundamental flaw of democracy. It is a hard thing to work around.
> Do you think that EU states should lose official abmasitors to the General Assembly and instead get observers and then have one EU representative to the assembly?
No. I'd rather see U.S. states treated as nation-states in a economic union, as was intended in the Arcticles of Confederation rather than a single super-state. Same for the other super-states. The Soviet Union basically had this happen by default when the union collapsed.
And now, off to a meeting. There never enough time... ;)