Current Club-nights(5):
Sanctuary - every Friday at the Lotus
Malfunction - 1st/3rd Saturday Club 23
Sin City - 2nd/4th Satuday Club 23
Galaxian - 5th Saturday Club 23
Descent - every Sunday at The Red Room
the Vancouver crowds tend to be friendly when approached but are generally reserved. I've visited other cities like Seattle and Winnipeg where the people were actively friendly (where they approach you to talk).
Calgary to my knowledge has no active scene in the way of club nights (not since the Warehouse) but they do have a presence of goths there.
Edmonton has an infrequent club night (Das Oontz) which falls only on long weekend Sundays. It has strong alternative scene though.
Toronto has a population base 2.5 times that of Vancouver and will beat out Vancouver in terms of numbers and nights.
Vancouver is number 3 for goth scenes on the West Coast trailing Seattle and Los Angeles. San Francisco was at 1 time ahead of Vancouver but became a victim of it's own success. Too many clubs opened sporting goth nights and all of them disappeared shortly after, leaving the crowd no venue and club owners distrustful of supporting a niche night that obviously failed before. Vancouver is also number 2 or 3 in Canada behind Toronto and possibly Montreal.