
Warning about  Facebook?

Anonymous's picture
Published Public: Anyone can view.

It it safe? I found this the otherday and deemed it important to pass on.

Facebook is like Myspace but more in depth…

You like conspiricy  theories?

Check this out.  Scary stuff, man!  For this you need audio & video

Click below wait for it to load & watch the whole thing,,


I'm leaving this comment as the video is loading so... If this has to do with FaceBook selling personal information(including friends and photos), then I was under the impression most people knew about it. There is a way to dissallow this access, theoretically.


Yup, every one has access to your personal information and it is all going to one place so that the U.S gv'mnt can monitor it. The only way to totaly protect your privacy in this age is to not exist.