Goth Meetup Nights

I noticed there's a lot of new people, such as myself that are new to Vancouver/the scene here. Would anyone be interested in doing regular meet-ups nights at a coffeehouse or somesuch? I know the goth meetups they had here are pretty much defunct...who wants to revive them?
Hey everyone I too put out a word to meet up with people and recieved no reply, if any resolve comes to this meet up night let me know, I wont be available till at earliest june 15th which is a scheduled blender nite, does this work for anyone let me know, I can fit 3 people in my truck it will be tight but i'll get you there safe, will probably park on powell where it is free, short walk to club 23, let me know what you think....
I am very disappointed in the guides... that was not cool of them to not show. They didn't give me any heads up at all, or I would have let you all know. Grr...
As for the car situation, we have a rental, they found ours all butchered (it will most likely be a write off) and so we are looking for a replacement... grr.
Give Puck or myself a call if you don't know if you can make it on time and I will talk to the tour guide and see if you can join us whenever you get into town and possibly pay a little less or something. Then just call when you're in the area, we will tell you where we are, and you can meet with us. It would be quite sad if you were not able to join us.
Hey guys,
looks like I might not be able to make it.
Here is the deal, my cousin is flying back to Romania tomorrrow, her flight leaves at 7:15pm, and it's only fair that I accompany her to the airport since I am not going to see the girl for probably another year.
I will try REALLY REALLY hard to meet you guys in time, if you do not see me there, please forgive me, I still love you all :'(
Tuesday, April 11th, 2006
I am making an executive decision. This is the date we are going. I need to get an official count of who is going to be there so I can tell the tour guides. So far I have:
- Me and my fiance
- Puck (and possibly Adam?)
- harrysheep (maybe)
- Krayzy (and some friends?)
- Fallen Angel
Anyone else who wants to attend, try and let me know ASAP so I can contact the people who run the tours. Who knows... if we get enough of us together, I might even be able to swing some sort of discounted group rate or something.
If you want to bring some friends, that would be cool... we've not yet picked a fixed date, that is something that still needs to work out. The site for the tour we are looking into is [url=]here.
The tentative date stands at April 11th, a Tuesday. However, the tour also runs on Thursdays, so the 13th is also an option. As I said before the tour is $15 per person and goes from 8pm - 10pm.
Anyone else interested let me know.