I hear very often that people think that Christianity is too exclusive in it's claim to have a monopoly on the truth: the way to get to heaven, the way to live, the personality/characteristics of God, etc.
Is that the viewpoint of the people in this forum? If so, why?
I know the picture quality isn't the greatest (curse you, webcams!), but these are the two characters that I just created today whilst at school, and I cannot, for the life of me, think of names for them. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
There are few threads in this category now talking about Christians in general, but really how does one really do that? There have been so many schisms in Christianity how does one really talk about the religion in general terms? Roman Catholics, Greek Orthodox, Mormons, Lutherans, Baptists, Anglicans, Jehovah's Witnesses, 7th Day Adventists, Dutch Reform, Calvinists, etc., etc....
As in all the forums, I expect a level of respect in here. I know that many of us do not share the same religion, values, and perspectives, and thus I will do my best to make sure that no slanderous, hurtful, or demeaning posts remain up. This goes for slander against Christianity or God in general. If you have hateful things to say, post them elsewhere. This forum, I hope, is to be a plac
Whenever I join forums, I am always surprised by the strong anti-Christian sentiment many of the people have. Is it because "free thinking, open minded, strong willed" people think that Christianity is some sort of intellectual trap, a crutch, an escape? Or is it something else? I was simply wondering what people's stance is on Christianity, and their reasons for it.
For those of us who are not of legal age to get into clubs and bars, where would be some choice places to hang? I don't really want to wait a year and a bit to be able to hang out and meet new people.
Being from the Valley, and having a severe shortage of goth friends, my musical connections are limited. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions of bands to look into. My musical collection, at the moment, ranges from Future Sound of London to NIN, but I'm trying to broaden my horizons... so suggest away.